10 Tips To Drink More Water
Do you struggle drinking water? You’re not alone, people everywhere struggle drinking water. I mean it’s hard to blame them with all the tasty sodas, teas, coffees, and other drinks out there. Water is such an important thing for your body, you need it to survive. We’ve talked about all the health benefits that come from drinking water, but today we are going to offer you 10 tips that can help you drink more water and reach that gallon of water goal per day.

Here are HydroJug's top 10 tips to help you drink more water.
- Get yourself a HydroJug. The HydroJug will be your daily reminder to drink more water. Plus the HydroJugs look great so you will be hydrating in style.
- Set up reminders in your phone to drink a certain amount within a certain amount of time. Try to aim for 73 oz before noon then another 73 oz before you go to bed.
- Opt for water when eating out. You’ll not only reduce calories, but also save money. Take a few sips from your HydroJug before your meal gets there. This will help create a sense of fullness.
- Add fruit or flavoring to your water. Add some flavor to your water by infusing it with your favorite fruit or supplements. This will help give your water an enjoyable taste and may help you drink more water. Try lemon, lime, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, watermelon or even fresh mint — the possibilities are endless!
- Grab a friend and set goals together, check in on each other and encourage each other to keep hydrating!
- Drink cold water, water is always more refreshing ice cold so add some ice into your HydroJug and refrigerate it for a couple hours to keep your water nice and cool.
- Take your HydroJug with you wherever you go. This will help you hydrate throughout the day. Carrying a HydroJug around is easy with the carrying loop and sleeve.
- Drink lots of water after you finish your work outs. You worked up a sweat with your work out and you will need to replenish the fluids you lost to keep up your peak performance. You will probably be thirsty after this as well so it’s a great time to drink water.
- Drink from a straw. You will swallow more water when you drink from a straw then you would when you directly sip from the bottle.
- Reward yourself for drinking water. Set a goal to drink a certain amount each day and if you hit that everyday reward yourself at the end of the week. This will help motivate you to hit your goal of drinking more water.
All of these tips should help you drink more water, if you have any of your own tips let us know we would love to hear from you.