Change is now
We stand firmly against all forms of hate, violence, and discrimination of all kind.. There is no place for it in this world.
In light of recent events, we acknowledge now more than ever that “healthy” is so much more than just physical. As a company, our primary focus is helping others create a healthy life and environment through smart and educated choices.
After making a public statement through our social media channels we put a pause on all major business events, canceled sales, postponed any product releases, blogs, and social posting relating to business during this time so that we could focus on what is most important, listening. Listening to the voices that have been speaking but have not yet been heard. Thank you to those who continue to speak.
Each day we continue to listen and grow and each day we become more aware of the changes that must be made. Changes that affect the world but must begin with us, within our company walls and next our communities. We commit to doing our part in listening, learning, educating and adapting as a company to bring a balance to an unbalanced world.
We encourage all members of the HydroJug family to listen carefully and speak up in the circle of influence. A light shines the brightest in a room full of darkness. If the flame of change is not lit within your community, it is time to burn bright. Thank you to those who are spreading light.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
After carefully listening and self-assessing, we begin our steps forward. As a company, we have identified multiple communities that are under fire of hate and discrimination. We will be donating to charities that deal directly with those in need. We encourage those who are financially able to help to do so.
We encourage all who read this, to emotionally give of themselves. To listen, to learn, to evaluate and to react. Be the change. Be the light. We promise that we will.
From owner to freelancer, copywriters to models, and into the community we reach, we pledge to fight against discrimination and stand for equality in all that we do. It is my privilege and responsibility to lead these changes.
Change is now.
To learn more about antiracism and how to affect positive change now, click here.
Hayden Wadsworth
CEO HydroJug