Is Coffee Good For You?
This week we are talking all things COFFEE. From that freshly brewed aroma that you look forward to in the morning, to that sweet iced coffee you treat yourself to every now and then, coffee has become a staple in a majority of Americans lives. It is often said that coffee is the driving force of America’s prosperity. But does the joy of drinking coffee from your favorite mug every morning (the one that fits perfectly in your hands- you know the one), come along with benefits for your health?

In early research studies, it was thought that caffeine was harmful for you. It was linked to a range of diseases such as heart disease and asthma. However, in more recent studies, these myths have been debunked. After going through the data, scientists found out that many of the participants in the preliminary studies also smoked. The negative side effects that scientists were attributing to coffee were actually coming from cigarettes.
Today’s research concludes that coffee is more beneficial than harmful for most people.

How much coffee is good for you?
According to Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a moderate intake of coffee is considered 2-5 cups a day, or a max of 300 mg.
What is the healthiest way to drink coffee?
The healthiest way to drink your coffee is by the traditional drip method without any additives in it. Scientists say that the best way to consume your coffee is through a paper filter. Other methods, although technically filtered, aren’t as effective at filtering out bad cholesterols. When it comes to adding sugar, sweeteners, and creams it is best to look at how they fit within your own personal diet.
What benefits does coffee have?
It has been said that for most, a moderate intake of coffee daily can lead to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression.

Coffee is also a natural form of the stimulant caffeine. This stimulant is responsible for your “afternoon pick me up” and “morning mood booster” a.k.a. keeping you alert and energized throughout the day. This is not the only thing coffee contains however, the bean has many different antioxidants and compounds in it that have other health benefits such as anti-inflammatory properties.
Is coffee beneficial for everyone?
Although coffee is great for most, it is not recommended for children, pregnant women, or people with anxiety disorders. Some of the negative effects of coffee can include:
-Increased heart rate
The best way to combat these side effects is to pay attention to how much coffee you are consuming and how you are feeling as a result. If you are getting any of these side effects try to lower the amount of coffee you are drinking, and as always, for more in depth answers consult a doctor to see if caffeine is safe for you.

Can coffee make you dehydrated?
Although coffee is a minor diuretic, it doesn’t cause enough fluid loss to be a health concern as long as you are drinking a moderate amount. The best way to ensure that you are properly hydrated is to drink your coffee, then try to drink your recommended daily water intake throughout the rest of the day. If you have a HydroJug, you are already one step ahead because it is proven to make it easy to track your water and hit your water intake goals.
So, in summary, your morning cup of joe does more for you than just boost your mood, it can actually help your long term health and give you the extra energy you need to tackle your day. Remember to pay attention to your personal health effects when deciding how much coffee to drink, and always remember to drink enough water.